The Don Landscapes by B.V. Shcherbakov
17 works of art by a painter B.V. Shcherbakov are kept ...
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NewsPride and Glory of the Don22.02.2018The literature of each people has its peaks. In Russian literature, one of the highest and bright peaks is Mikhail Sholokhov widely called pride and glory of the Don. On February days devoted to the memory of the great writer, the events were centered in Sholokhov-Centre of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. On February 20, there was held a youth round table talk “Heroes of Sholokhov in the Modern World”. The students of the Rostov schools, of the South Federal University and the Rostov State University of Railway Transport made their talks, read excerpts from Sholokhov’s works and shared their ideas about the creative work of the writer. “Despite the age of the speakers the subjects of their talks were varied, very interesting, deep and informative”, – Tatyana Osipova, a docent of the South Federal University, noted. Pictures of Sholokhov’s places were demonstrated on the screen, and the writer’s favourite Cossack songs were played. On February 21, many young people came to the Don State Public Library and laid flowers to the bust of Mikhail Sholokhov. Sholokhov-Centre showed a photo exhibition “I was Born in the Don Country…” devoted to the life and work of the writer, and a spectacle “The Shame Child” based on the title story by M.A.Sholokhov.
Mariya Kim The photo of the author |