A Manuscript. M.A. Sholokhov. “They Fought for Their Country”
“And if we cherish love for our Country in our hearts ...
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News“Let the Light and Joy of Previous Meetings Shine for Us in Difficult Hours…”22.02.2018On Memory Day of M.A.Sholokhov, February 21, 2018, a creative group of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov showed a literary and drama performance “My Dear…” in the Palace of Culture of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. It narrated about the family of the writer, his relatives and friends, who were always close to him and supported him in sorrow and in joy. A kind of address for young families was the words that Mariya Petrovna Sholokhova said once: “We simply understood each other”. Mikhail Alexandrovich and his faithful friend passed through 60 years side by side hand in hand, raised four children. The pictures like pages of a family album changed on a big screen – a photo chronicle of the Sholokhovs’ family. The Museum actors performed a sincere conversation about simple everyday joys, about the atmosphere of kindness and love reigning in the Sholokhovs’ house, about the tribulations they had endured. The audience was excited to tears with a touching story about the last minutes of the writer, about his courage to suffer his pain, and the song words pronounced in a weakening voice “…let everyone do that he is to”. Those lines remembered by Sholokhov at that February night echoed in the heart of each spectator. 34 years have passed since Sholokhov died. But his books and the light of his truth remain with us.
Olga Bakhtiyarova |