
Which topic do you think is under represented on our site? Leave your comments and suggestions in the section “Comments and Suggestions”
Museum Collection
Museum Events
Museum – to Children
Don Cossacks
Natural Monuments
Information for Tourists
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Museum Collection
5 (2%)
3 (1%)
Museum Events
1 (0%)
Museum – to Children
1 (0%)
Don Cossacks
7 (3%)
Natural Monuments
1 (0%)
Information for Tourists
204 (92%)
Polls archive


A New Issue of the Journal “Mir Sholokhova” is Published


A new issue of the journal “Mir Sholokhova” has been published. You can look into its content in our website. A full electronic version of the journal will be sent to the addressee, so we ask potential readers to fill out and send the application with an e-mail address and brief information about yourself. In the same application you can share your opinion on the journal, make suggestions, ask questions from the editorial board.

All the previous numbers are posted on the website in the public domain, they can be read in real time or downloaded to your computer.

A printed version of the journal can be purchased at the Souvenir Shop and the Museum ticket offices.