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“Museum Selfie” Aroused Interest


The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov for the first time took part in the international flashmob “Museum Selfie”, which ran on January 17, 2018, in many museums of the world. According to the analytical company Brand Analytics the action was joined by 9 266 412 users in the Russian Internet.

The visitors of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov and the museum workers actively joined the flashmob and during the day made selfies against the background of the exhibitions, museum buildings, sculptural compositions and monuments devoted to M.A.Sholokhov and his work, and posted them in the social networks of “ВКонтакте”, “Одноклассники”, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The “Museum Selfie” was vividly responded by the mass media: journalists not only told about the flashmob, but also took part in it themselves publishing the photos from the Museum with hashtags #МузейШолохова, #MuseumSelfie, #МузейноеСелфи.

We thank all who supported the Museum, posted their pictures in the social networks, told about the “Museum Selfie” to their friends, readers, radio listeners and onlookers! There have been some suggestions of repeating the Internet-action in spring for the Museum visitors to be able to make a selfie against the background of flowering lilac of “Sholokhov”varieties.


Tatyana Nektova