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News“I Filially Embrace You Tightly…”17.01.2018On January 19, 2018, it is the 155th anniversary of A.S.Serafimovich (1863–1949), the well-known Don writer, who had been a good friend of M.A.Sholokhov for long years. The newspaper “Izvestiya” of January 18, 1938, published an article “Writer and Bolshevik” by M.A.Sholokhov saying about Alexander Serafimovich: “…I love the old man very much. This is a true artist, a great man, whose works are so close and familiar to us. Serafimovich belongs to the generation of writers, who were teachers for us, young people. Personally, I really owe Serafimovich, as he was the first to support me at the very beginning of my writing career. He was the first to tell me a word of encouragement, a word of recognition. Of course, this leaves its imprint on our relationship. I will never forget the year 1925, when Serafimovich having looked into my first book of short stories not only wrote a warm preface to it, but also wanted to meet with me. Our first meeting took place in the First House of Soviets. Serafimovich assured me that I should continue to write, to study. He advised me to work seriously over each thing, not to rush. I always tried to follow this instruction”. M.A.Sholokhov dedicated his short story “Alien Blood” included in the 2nd book of stories “Tulip Steppe” (1926) to A.S.Serafimovich. An article by Serafimovich published in the newspaper “Pravda” on April 19, 1928, reprinted later as a preface for a separate edition of the third part of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” became the first response to the publication of the great novel. M.A.Sholokhov applied to A.S.Serafimofich in 1929, when there appeared difficulties in publishing the 6th part of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”: “…I don’t like to speak to you about the importance of your Word for me both as of an elder person and as of a countryman. Would you, please, give me good advice? With great impatience I will wait for your answer”. On January 16, 1948, M.A.Sholokhov sent a telegram to A.S.Serafimovich in connection with his 85th anniversary: Dear Alexander Serafimovich! I filially embrace you tightly. Like millions of your readers, I always think about your life with love, warmth and gratitude. Your Sholokhov”. Natalya Kirsanova |