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New Year in the Rehabilitation Centre


On January 12, 2018, the volunteers of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve brought good New Year spirits into the social rehabilitation department of the Sholokhov District Social Services Centre for Elderly and Disabled which is located in Kolundayev Village of the Sholokhov District the Rostov Region.

The veterans, who experienced a lot in their lives, were moved with sincere New Year congratulations, presents, fruit and sweets from the district Administration and the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. Also, they were entertained with beautiful songs performed by Andrey Shchebunyayev and Evgeniy Plekhanov.

The museum workers told them about the museum, its structures, about the permanent and temporary exhibitions. They invited the elderly people to visit for free the Museum sites in Stanitsa Karghinskaya and Kruzhilin Village.

It was not for the first time that the workers of the Museum-Reserve visited their familiar, dear elderly people and made excursions for them.

Visiting the wards with bedridden patients is especially touching. These people are extremely pleased to see guests with presents, songs and cordial converse in their wards. They are especially happy with such visits as they practically do not leave their rooms.

When leaving, the museum workers heard the wards people still singing with their wonderful voices and good spirits in the hall.

And it is not known who enjoyed this communication more: those whom they visited or those who came.


Tamara Gribanova