An Autograph of Oles Gonchar
In our Museum there is a letter of Oles Gonchar, which ...
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News“Museum Selfie” in Sholokhov Museum16.01.2018International museum selfie flashmob will take place on January 17, 2018. It is joined by the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. We invite all to join and attend the sites and exhibitions of the Museum in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, Stanitsa Karghinskaya, Kruzhilin Village and in Rostov-on-Don, and make an original selfie against the background of the exhibits or buildings, and post it with social networks putting hashtags #MuseumSelfie, #МузейноеСелфи, #МузейШолохова. You can follow the progress of the flashmob in all social networks: “ВКонтакте”, “Одноклассники”, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. For the first time the international action “#MuseumSelfie” took place in January 2014, in Twitter. On the initiative of the portal “Культура.РФ” and under the support of the RF Ministry of Culture this “Museum Selfie” will run in the expanded format: the action can be joined not only by the museum workers and visitors, but also by other cultural institutions. We invite all who want to take part in the international flashmob “Museum Selfie” in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov! Taking a picture make sure that both you and a museum exhibit or a museum building fell into the picture framework, and when posting it with social networks remember to put hashtags #MuseumSelfie, #МузейноеСелфи, #МузейШолохова and mark Sholokhov Museum. Mind, please, no flash when taking a photo! |