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Museum Classes for Schoolchildren


Museum classes for the 5–11 form schoolchildren on the materials of the exhibition “In All Outfits You are Nice, My Deary!” from the collection of the Starocherkassk Historical Architectural Museum-Reserve will take place in the excursion and exhibition centre “People’s House” during 15–20 of January, 2018.

The classes will comprise 3 modules: an excursion, tests on the exhibition guidebook and a workshop on making an accessory.

During the excursion the children will learn about the history and evolution of the attire of the Don Cossack women, will be able to compare the clothes and headwear of the XVI century to those of the XIX and XX centuries.

The children will need attention and acumen to unscramble the encrypted information from the exhibition guidebook.

In the workshop the children will make a big hatpin, which had been an integral attribute of the bonnet for more than a thousand years.


Nina Steblina