Clayware was widely used on the Don: jugs, cooking pots, pitchers. ...
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News“Tales from Rostov” in Sholokhov-Centre05.01.2018A literary meeting of Valeriya Baikeyeva, a screenwriter and playwright, was held on January 4, 2018, in Sholokhov-Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The topic of the meeting was “Tales from Rostov”. Valeriya Baikeyeva was born and grew up in Rostov-on-Don, graduated from the Rostov Pedagogical Institute. Later she took a producer course at the Lensovet Theatre in Petersburg. In Rostov she worked in the tour agency, guided tour groups abroad. In the 1990s she was known as a political strategist, expert in organizational, corporate culture and business rhetoric. In the 2000s, having left a successful business for creative work she moved to Moscow though remaining a real rostovite. Valeriya debuted with the film “Virtual Romance”, which premiere took place in 2005. Today she is a popular screenwriter, whose filmography includes the serials “Vlasik. Stalin’s Shadow”, “Margarita Nazarova”, “External Surveillance”, “Repulse”, feature films “The Tankmen”, “118 Seconds. Before…and After…”, and others. This creative meeting has become a starting point of the new project by V.Baikeyeva and A.Pavlovsky “19/20C”, which for Sholokhov-Centre will become a base area. Irina Pashkova |