Women’s Headrails
Since long ago Don Cossack women had peculiar headwear and hairdos. ...
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Educational Programs“Young Scholar of Sholokhov’s Work”A program of supplementary education for the middle-level students of secondary comprehensive schools. The students will learn about the collections of memorial objects of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, about the peculiarities of their registration and storage, about the letters of schoolchildren to M.A.Sholokhov in the 50-60-s. The children will see the writer’s portraits made by well-known photographers, editions of the short story “Bastard” of different years and of an excerpt “Fedotka” from the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned; they will learn about the way the hero of Sholokhov’s short story “Bastard” was portrayed in painting, drawing and in arts and crafts. |